TechSwap sa-nv
Registered office
Drève Richelle 161M/b57 à 1410 Waterloo, Belgium.
+32 71 87 57 67 | plan
Place of Business
Vierwinden 5, B-1930 Zaventem, Belgium.
+32 2 251 45 58 | plan
Further information:
Informations commerciales en français :
Sales information in English :
Management : Jean-Louis Potten (administrateur)
RPM: 0880 456 429
VAT: BE 0880 456 429
BANK: BE02 0014 8384 2140
You have a sense of service and customer satisfaction is your priority? Do you like to solve problems, find solutions? Looking for a position in a pleasant environment, results-oriented?
TechSwap is currently looking for IT engineers (Job description). You’re an engineer, feel comfortable with installing PCs and printers, looking for a job in these fields, send us your CV at